Centro de Estudos Buddhistas Nalanda

Vesak 2021 – 29 de maio

5o dia – 29 de maio | 5th day – May 29th

Programa do dia : o horário é dado em hora de Brasília (BRT)

Program for the day : Time is given in BRT (Brasilia Time / GMT-3)

Find your Local Time here:  https://www.thetimezoneconverter.com


08:00 AM – Buddhist Perspective on Drug Addiction: Nature and Solution | Arvind Kumar Singh (in English)

—– 09:00 AM – Prática Guiada | Fábio Coltro (em português)

—– 10:00 AM – Yoga | Paulo Klatau (em português)

02:00 PM – Dark Dharma | Koyo Kubose (in English)

04:00 PM – Honoring the Buddha within All of Us | Santikaro (in English)

—– 05:00 PM – Prática Guiada | Anne Marie (em português)

07:00 PM – O Encontro entre Buddhismo e Helenismo | Ricardo Mário Gonçalves (em português)

Apresentadores do dia | Today´s Presenters

Buddhist Perspective on Drug Addiction: Nature and Solution | 08:00 AM BRT

Arvind Kumar Singh – in English

Arvind Kumar Singh has been currently teaching in the capacity of Assistant Professor, School of Buddhist Studies and Civilization, and also Director, International Affairs, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh (INDIA). Previously, he has worked at the Department of Buddhist Studies, University of Delhi, for almost six years where he has edited the journal of Department of Buddhist Studies. He has written five books on Buddhism, more than 70 research papers published in India and abroad. He was awarded Global Peace Ambassador Award-2017 by International Buddha Education Institute and Youth Action Committee Uttarakhand, Journalist Bimalendu Barua Peace Award-2016 awarded by The World Alliance of Buddhist Leaders & Nirvana Peace Foundation, Bangladesh and Outstanding Peace Activist Award-2016 awarded by International Buddha Education Institute (IBEI) and Younker Scientific and Social Sciences Research Foundation (YSSRF) in recognition of devotion, dedication and commitment towards the development of peace and harmony in the society.

Dark Dharma | 2:00 PM BRT

Koyo Kubose – in English

Rev. Koyo S. Kubose was born in Los Angeles, California. After World War II, he relocated to Chicago with his family. He earned a BA from the University of CA at Berkeley, a MA from San Francisco State University, and a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Iowa. He has been on the psychology faculties at the University of North Carolina (Greensboro), University of Hawaii (Honolulu), and University of Wisconsin Center System (Janesville). He went to Japan for three years, and studied Shin Buddhism at the Eastern Buddhist Society at Otani University. He also did meditation practice under Zen masters Uchiyama Kosho of the Soto tradition and Kobori Nanrei of the Rinzai tradition. Upon his return to the US in 1977, Rev. Koyo worked with his father, the Venerable Rev. Gyomay Kubose, a pioneer in the Americanization of Buddhism. From 1983 – 1995, Rev. Koyo served as a minister at the Buddhist Temple of Chicago, which his father established in 1944. Currently, Rev. Koyo is president of Bright Dawn Center of Oneness Buddhism, which he established in 1996 to carry on his father’s lifework. On April 4, 1998, Rev. Gyomay Kubose officially transmitted his spiritual authority to Rev. Koyo Kubose.

Honoring the Buddha within All of Us | 4:00 PM BRT

Santikaro – in English

Santikaro went to Thailand with the Peace Corps in 1980, and was ordained as a Theravada monk in 1985, and subsequently trained at Suan Mokkh with Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, a leading Thai teacher, scholar, and reformer of Theravada Buddhism. He became Ajahn Buddhadasa’s primary English translator and was abbot of nearby Suan Atammayatarama. He is a founding member of Think Sangha, a community of socially engaged Buddhist thinker-activists that has given special attention to the ethical and spiritual impact of consumerism and militarism. He led meditation retreats at Suan Mokkh for many years before returning to the USA’s Midwest in 2001. In 2004 he retired from formal monastic life. Ajahn Santikaro continues to teach in the Buddhist tradition with an emphasis on the early Pali sources. He is the founder of Kevala Retreat (originally Liberation Park), a modern American expression of Buddhist practice, study, and social responsibility. There he continues to teach, study, practice, translate the work of his teacher, engage in social activism, and imagine the future of  Buddha-Dhamma in the West.

O Encontro entre Buddhismo e Helenismo | 07:00 PM BRT

Ricardo Mário Gonçalves – em português

Ricardo Mário Gonçalves (Shaku Riman) é missionário buddhista desde 1981. É também Mestre, Doutor e Livre Docente em História pela USP, por onde se aposentou como Professor Associado. Carregando uma vasta experiência tanto em pesquisa, na docência e nas práticas buddhistas, o Professor Ricardo Mário Gonçalves tem grande interesse pelo buddhismo engajado e pelos princípios religiosos e filosóficos buddhistas ligados à escola da Terra Pura (Jodo Shinshu). O Reverendo Ricardo é pesquisador do Instituto Budista de Estudos Missionários e atua nas áreas de História Antiga, História do Extremo-Oriente e História da Franco-Maçonaria, bem como das religiões orientais, especialmente do buddhismo.

Facilitadores de práticas de hoje / Today´s Practice Facilitators

Todos os facilitadores de práticas durante o Vesak 2021 estão neste link

All practice facilitatores during Vesak 2021 are in this link

Fábio Coltro
Paulo Klatau
Anne Marie

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