Centro de Estudos Buddhistas Nalanda

Vesak 2021 – 30 de maio

6o dia – 30 de maio | 6th day – May 30th

Programa do dia : o horário é dado em hora de Brasília (BRT)

Program for the day : Time is given in BRT (Brasilia Time / GMT-3)

Find your Local Time here:  https://www.thetimezoneconverter.com


—– 07:00 AM – Prática Guiada | Andrea Wellbaum – Hot Yoga São Paulo (em português)

—– 08:00 AM – Prática Guiada | Paulo Faleiro (em português)

—– 09:00 AM – Prática Guiada | Malu Viana (em português)

10:00 AM – Vesak Message | Ven. Dhammadipa (in English e português)

Apresentadores do dia | Today´s Presenters

Vesak Message | 10:00 AM BRT

Ven. Dhammadipa – in English

Ven. Dhammadipa Venerable Dhammadipa was born in Czechoslovakia in 1949. He studied Chinese Literature and Philosophy at Prague Karl University, and then studied Russian literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he received a degree in 1973. In 1986, he went to Japan and studied under Zen Master Harada Sensei Roshi of the Caodong school practice. He was given a Dharma name as Xing-Kong (meaning Nature of Emptiness). In 1987, he ordained as a monk in Meetirigala and was given a Dharma name as Dhammadipa (island of Buddhism or Dharma). He received the full Theravada Bhiksu ordination in Sri Lanka where he practiced meditation under the guidance of his preceptor, Venerable Nanarama Mahathera. In 1989, he received the Three Fold ordination as a Mahayana Monk in Hsi Lai Temple, Los Angeles and began Dharma teaching in US, Germany and Taiwan. In 1996, Venerable went to Myanmar to practice meditation with the contemporary master Venerable Pa Auk Sayadaw, and was recognized by the Sayadaw to be first of the Sayadaw’s Western disciples qualified to teach meditation. He has since been teaching Samatha (tranquil mental states) and Vipassana (direct seeing of the Dharma) meditation at monasteries and universities worldwide.

Facilitadores de práticas de hoje / Today´s Practice Facilitators

Todos os facilitadores de práticas durante o Vesak 2021 estão neste link

All practice facilitatores during Vesak 2021 are in this link

Andrea Wellbaum
Paulo Faleiro
Malu Viana

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