Buddhadasa Bhikkhu - Servant of the Buddha

Buddhadasa Bhikkhu (Servant of the Buddha) went forth as a bhikkhu (Buddhist monk) in 1926, at the age of twenty. After a few years of study in Bangkok, which convinced him "purity is not to be found in the big city," he was inspired to live close with nature in order to investigate the Buddha-Dhamma. Thus, he established Suan Mokkhabalarama (The Grove of the Power of Liberation) in 1932, near his hometown of Pum Riang (now in Chaiya District). At that time, it was the only forest Dhamma Center and one of the few places dedicated to vipassana meditation in Southern Thailand. Word of Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, his work, and Suan Mokkh spread over the years so that they are easily described as "one of the most influential events of Buddhist history in Siam."
Tan Ajahn died in 1993, his legacy however shines ahead as a lamp indicating the path to all serious searchers after truth.
The Nalanda Buddhist Community of Brazil is one of the centers in the world, the only one in South America, to continue in this exploration in accordance to his directives, giving continuity to his thoughts.